One thing is sure, November-December is not the best time of the year to visit the Danube delta. Many of the birds migrated south, everything is brown and the weather is not very favourable, but I’ve got the opportunity to stay one month in a private nature reserve, and mammals are abundant, so I’m not complaining!
Last week I’ve tried to get some shots of the golden jackal, white-tailed eagle and grey-headed woodpecker. The latest wasn’t very successful so far. I definitely need to try everything over again when the weather turns. This week, I’ll try to focus on otter. I found a good spot, so tomorrow I’ll build the hide, and then it’s just a matter of time and a good portion of luck.
On the wish list: grey-headed woodpecker, otter, pygmy cormorant, the local barn owl, and… European mink?
Spending time with the jackal is really fantastic, not only from a photographers point of view, also as biologist it’s marvellous. After some time, you’re able to recognise individuals, and then it’s nice to figure out their hierarchy in the group by the interactions between them. I just can’t get enough of it!